It’s fair to say that given a time where a full tank of petrol doubles the value of a car, the cost of having a bespoke speech written might be a bit of a stretch. With this in mind Stand Up Speeches have put to work and developed a 6/8 minute best man speech template written by an award-winning stand-up comedian. 

All our template requires from a future Best Man is the entering of the Groom’s, Bride and Bridesmaids’ names. Along with the writing of three funny stories about the Groom. Introduced by prewritten jokes chosen from a list covering all manner of behaviours and personality quirks.

IT’s super easy, THAT WAY YOU’LL be able to personalise YOUR SPEECH with THE prewritten jokes BASED ON HIS character traits. You’ll FIND A WIDE RANGE OF TRAITS FROM “He's an armchair football fan”, “He’s a persistent moaner”, “He’s tight”, “He talks too much”, “He can’t handle his drink”, “He has terrible dress sense”, “He’s boring (when sober)”, “He’s always late”, “He’s opinionated”, TO “He can’t dance” and many more…

What you get

  1. AN EDITABLE WORD DOC template for a 6/8 minute Best Man speech including prewritten jokes.

  2. A joke sheet with 20 prewritten jokes to help introduce your funny stories. 

  3. A speech delivery guide with 5 tips to help your speech run smoothly.