Best Man Character traits
A fertile hunting ground for best-man material can be found in the character traits/deficiencies that inherit your best mate’s psyche. They might have a reputation for being, tight, late, selfish, a clean freak or fussy with food. All of these and many more possess the potential to provide you with the ammunition to load a humour howitzer and mercilessly shell your best mate. The first example below took inspiration from learning that the groom had the temerity to try hard at school.
“…To be honest that was one of the only failures I think I can recall Jacob having. This undoubtedly is in large part due to his hard work and diligence. Jacob has always worked hard, at school his homework was always done, and he studied and revised. Now, I’m not saying he was a teacher’s pet, but while the rest of us sat on chairs in class; Jacob had a hutch… and drank water, from a little bottle hooked to the chicken wire. The worst thing though, was that every now and then, you’d luck out and end up having to change his straw...”
Having an overly competitive streak that turns you into someone with no care for social norms or friendship can also bear funny fruit.
“…We have had the pleasure of knowing Robert since the early days of high school. Those of you who know him will know he has a truly competitive streak and loses in the traditionally Aussie way. If you’re Dominic and beat him at Chess, you’ll be gracefully thrown out of his house. If you’re Michael and beat him at a game of squash, you’ll be left to walk home. And if you play indoor soccer with him, you’ll fear him more than the opposition. Make one mistake, and it’s not just the toys that come out of the pram, the pram goes too…”
Dissect the best man’s character, what quirks and habits possess him to the point of absurdity? There’s comedy gold in them thar hills.